A quali problemi comuni dovremmo prestare attenzione quando utilizziamo pompe magnetiche in acciaio inossidabile?

Stainless steel magnetic pump is a special type of pump equipment, widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, electric power, metallurgy and other industries. During use, you need to pay attention to some common issues to ensure the normal operation and safe use of the pump. Here are some notes on common issues:

1. Pump installation:
When installing a stainless steel magnetic pump, it is necessary to place the pump on a stable foundation and ensure that the stationary parts of the pump are in close contact with the foundation to reduce vibration and noise. At the same time, the connection between the pump and the inlet and outlet pipes must be carefully adjusted to ensure reliable sealing and prevent leakage.

2. Starting the pump:
Before starting the stainless steel magnetic pump, make sure there is no air in the pump. In order to eliminate air, you can inject clean water into the pump casing before starting to reduce friction and wear of the pump. After starting the pump, observe the operation of the pump to ensure normal operation and ensure that the pipeline pressure is stable before and after the pump is running.

3. Pump maintenance:
Regular maintenance is an important part of ensuring the normal operation of stainless steel magnetic pumps. Clean the inside of the pump body regularly and check whether there is accumulated water, impurities, etc. in the pump. If scaling, corrosion and other problems are found in the pump body, they should be cleaned and repaired in time. In addition, attention should be paid to lubricating the pump bearings, checking the wear and aging of the seals, and replacing them in a timely manner.

4. Exception handling during pump operation:
During the use of stainless steel magnetic pumps, you may encounter some abnormal situations, such as increased pump temperature, bearing noise, abnormal pump flow, etc. When an abnormality is discovered, the machine should be shut down for maintenance, find out the cause of the problem, and deal with it in time. For some special circumstances, such as abnormal noise, leakage, abnormal pressure, etc. during pump operation, the pump should be shut down immediately to prevent accidents.

5. Pump maintenance:
The mechanical seal of the stainless steel magnetic pump is one of its important sealing components and requires regular inspection and maintenance. Check the sealing performance and wear condition of the mechanical seal. If the mechanical seal is found to be leaking, the seal should be replaced in time. In addition, the inside of the pump should be kept clean to prevent impurities from accumulating in the pump and affecting the normal operation of the pump.

6. Precautions when using the pump:
When using stainless steel magnetic pumps, you should pay attention to the following points:
– The stainless steel magnetic pump cannot be idle during operation, otherwise it will cause the temperature of the pump fluid to rise and even damage the pump.
– Never use the pump to transport incompatible media to prevent chemical reactions in the media and damage to the pump.
– Before running the pump, check whether the temperature and viscosity of the medium supplied to the pump are suitable to avoid unstable operation of the pump due to improper medium.
– After the pump has stopped running for a long time, inspection and trial operation should be carried out before starting it again to ensure the normal operation of the pump.

In short, the normal use and maintenance of stainless steel magnetic pumps are crucial to ensuring their continued and stable work and avoiding accidents. Pay attention to the above issues during use, and formulate corresponding maintenance plans according to the actual situation to ensure the normal operation and service life of the pump.
